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By prof. zedd

Unlock your G.O.D. Potential

If you know what life is worth, you will look for yours on earth.”

Bob Marley

Are you living the life you have always imagined?

It’s a late Friday afternoon and Mr. Johnson is in my office for a consultation to help him deal with his weight. Over twenty-five years of experience have taught to have taught to diagnose most of patients by sight. Looking at him I knew Mr. Johnson was highly stressed, had low testosterone, drank a little too much and was generally unhappy with his life.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Johnson.” He shakes my hand firmly. 

“I wanted to know about this program you got for belly fat,” he said in a pressured tone.
“I’m a very busy man and don’t really have time to follow a diet and all that stuff. I’m a businessman so I know how it is; what can you do for me if I pay all cash?”

Without giving me a chance to answer, Mr. Johnson continued to talk for what seemed like an hour. It was a familiar story. In long-term loveless relationship, a successful business that felt like a failure, kids he could not relate to and deteriorating health with heavy stressed managed by drinking, he felt his life was spiraling out of control.

“My life is just a mess, doc, I figured if I lose this belly fat I’ll feel better.”


As a young child, I began to notice God was not always there when I needed him most. More painful than that was the misery I witnessed around me. People dying on a daily basis, widespread sickness, poverty, bad relationships, loveless marriages and meaningless living. There had to be more to life than that and it was obvious to my six-year-old mind God did not have all the answers.

Today, it seems not much have changed. God is still failing. Most people are either sick and dying, broke, lonely or living without meaning. This fact fares worse for those who claim to believe in God. I am not talking about religion, just basic spirituality.

Why do so many believers, regardless of their religion, seem to live such mediocre lives. Why is it those who are not encumbered by religious beliefs seem to use spiritual principles so effectively to create wealth and abundance?

What would it take for those who believe in God to realize their true potential and live a life full of peace, driven by purpose and overflowing with abundance?


There is this belief among many believers God is not concerned about our wellbeing. Some even feel it is not Godly to have or it is impossible to get rich in an honest way. The truth is, God not only want us to be comfortable, He wants us to have an opulent lifestyle. If we are going to live the type of life God has ordained for us, we must “repent” literally change our minds.


G.O.D. Potential

Our God potential is to live a life of health, wellness, with close relationships, opulence and dominion. We have the potential for:

  • G: greatness
  • O: opulence
  • D: dominion

Greatness is about service. Opulence is living the Garden of Eden lifestyle where all our needs are met and we live in peace and harmony with God and our neighbors; this is a life so rich it is fit for kings. Dominion is the ability to master and rule our environment.

How to Unlock your G.O.D. Potential

If you want to live the life God has ordained for you, the first is to get in agreement with God about His purpose for your life. Anyone, including nonbelievers, can use these principles to achieve a great life, but only believers will attain true prosperity which is peace in any situation and that only comes from God. The only way to unlock your GOD potential is through GOD.

  • G: give. Greatness is achieved only through service. Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability. Give of your time, treasures and talents; but most importantly, give thanks to God for every situation and every gift – that is gratefulness.
  • O: Obey. Perhaps the greatest challenge to abundance is disobedience. To really succeed, you must obey God’s words; not just the commandments, but His teachings about creating a successful life. Be persistent and consistent in your faith practiced by action.
  • D: divinity. Put God first. Seek God first in all you do. The simple way to do that is to make sure every action you take no matter how small benefits everyone it affects. Every action should glorify God and bring you and others closer to Him.

Your GOD potential is to be like God, to live a life of peace, purpose and prosperity. It does not matter if you live in the United States or Haiti or the far corners of the world, you have the potential to live close to God, positively affect your world and live in abundance.

About the Author:

prof-zedd: Potentialist – Author - Speaker

By prof. zedd
PA – Potentialist – Author – Speaker – Serial Entrepreneur

Although trained in medicine, he is a natural born businessman. His book “Everything is Meaningless” promises to take you great to personal heights and business achievements.

What Do You REALLY Want..?

No matter where you are in life right now, rich or poor, sick or healthy, lost or found, if there is life in you, chances are you are struggling with something, or just simply want to do better in a certain area of your life.

Looking to improve your life, with ease and confidence?

What people are saying

Are you ready to live healthy, fit and strong, build stronger relationships, make more money and impact your world?

Foreword By Jack Canfield

Everything is Meaningless

In Everything Is Meaningless, author W.E. Andre challenges you to transform your wildest dreams into your day to day reality.