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By prof. zedd

The secret to permanent weight loss

Are you struggling with yo-yo dieting? Do you wish you could lose weight once and for all and maintain it for the long term?

Now you can with a little known secret that has been around since the early 19th century. You can lose weight, keep it off and look years younger with one simple move.


Stress, pregnancy and surgery wreak havoc on the human body.

Your body uses a three step process to get rid of fat. First, it releases the fat from the fat cell. Next, the fat enters your circulation (blood and lymph) and is carried to the liver where it is broken down to sugar and ketones. Finally, the excess ketones, toxins and hormones released from the fat cell is excreted out of the body through urine, bowels, sweat and even your breath.

You can think of the body’s natural process of fat elimination as “melt, move and flush.” Most people, when looking to lose weight, focus on breaking down fat. Many complain of resistant or stubborn fat especially belly and thigh fat. They feel if they can get rid of the fat everything else would improve. The opposite is actually true.

One of the main reasons fat becomes resistant is because of excess hormones, namely estrogen, which binds to the fat and makes it unavailable to be burnt for energy. Wastes and toxins clogs your lymphatic system leading to water retention. Excess water, wastes toxins and hormones are stored in the fat cells. Eventually these fat cells enlarge and produce more fat.

If you know what life is worth, you will look for yours on earth.”

Bob Marley

About the Author:

prof-zedd: Potentialist – Author - Speaker

By prof. zedd
PA – Potentialist – Author – Speaker – Serial Entrepreneur

Although trained in medicine, he is a natural born businessman. His book “Everything is Meaningless” promises to take you great to personal heights and business achievements.

What Do You REALLY Want..?

No matter where you are in life right now, rich or poor, sick or healthy, lost or found, if there is life in you, chances are you are struggling with something, or just simply want to do better in a certain area of your life.

Looking to improve your life, with ease and confidence?

What people are saying

Are you ready to live healthy, fit and strong, build stronger relationships, make more money and impact your world?

Foreword By Jack Canfield

Everything is Meaningless

In Everything Is Meaningless, author W.E. Andre challenges you to transform your wildest dreams into your day to day reality.