I invite you to work with me

Ever since I was five years old, I’ve been fascinated with the body, the brain, and the spirit. I am a lifetime learner; I love to learn new things, and share them with others. I am determined to unlock my G.O.D. Potential, and passionate about helping people do the same.

Prof. Zedd

Want my FREE daily gratitude guide?

Scientifically proven to change your life so you experience peace, happiness, and prosperity.

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Unlock your G.O.D. Potential

Find peace, live with purpose, and prosper

Are you ready to live healthy, fit and strong, build stronger relationships, make more money and impact your world?

What is G.O.D.?

What does it mean to you to be great; do you have what it takes to achieve greatness?

Can you imagine your life, drenched in wealth and luxury; is opulence possible for you?

Who controls your life; do you make your own decisions, or based on others’ opinions?

Your G.O.D. potential is to be:



What Do You REALLY Want..?

No matter where you are in life right now, rich or poor, sick or healthy, lost or found, if there is life in you, chances are you are struggling with something, or just simply want to do better in a certain area of your life.

Looking to improve your life, with ease and confidence?

The Zedd B.B.S. Protocol

We all have the potential to become G.O.D. The Zedd B.B.S. protocol is our unique approach to help you lay the foundation to build your perfect life.

Using the B.B.S. protocol you will discover how to:

  • Live Healthy, Fit & Strong
  • Achieve Balance, Boost Vitality
  • Attain Self-Mastery (Self-Esteem)

Together, these three pillars, form the foundation to a life of greatness, opulence, and dominion. You can’t have a full life without them.

Foreword By Jack Canfield

Everything is Meaningless

In Everything Is Meaningless, author W.E. Andre challenges you to transform your wildest dreams into your day to day reality.

What people are saying

Are you ready to live healthy, fit and strong, build stronger relationships, make more money and impact your world?


Everything is Meaningless: Simple Steps to Find Purpose, Meaning & Happiness

Whether your goal is to Create:

  • Financial independence
  • Build stronger, more meaningful relationships
  • Achieve good health
  • Find meaning through everyday spirituality

ZL Success 101 Goal Setting

ZL Success 101 Goal Setting

ZL Success 101 Goal Setting

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